1997-1998 Publications
Bera, A., P. garcia and J. Roh
"Estimation of Time-varying Hedge Ratios for Corn and
Soybeans: BGARCH and Random Coefficient Approaches."
Sankya: The Indian Journal of statistics, Series B. 59(1997,
3): 346-368
Diersen, M.A. and P. Garcia.
"Risk Measurement and Supply Response in the soybean
Proceedings of the NCR-134 Conference on Applied Commodity
Price analysis, Forecasting, and market Risk management. 1998,
pp. 279-292
Good, D., S. Thompson, T.A. Hieronymus, and R. Hauser.
"1998 Agricultural Outlook Guide--Corn Roller Coaster
Expected to Continue."
Prairie Farmer, December 1997, insert page 8.
Hall, J.A., B.W. Brosen, and S.H. Irwin.
"The distribution of Futures Prices: A Test of the Stable
Paretian and Mixture of Normals Hypotheses"
The International Library of Critical Writings in Financial
Economics: Futures Markets, Volume II, A.G. Malliaris, ed.,
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 1997, pp. 199-210.
Irwin, S.H., T.R. Krukemyer, and C.R. Zulauf.
"Investment Performance of Public Commodity Pools: 1979 to
Handbook of Managed Futures: Performance, Evaluation and
analysis, C. Peters and B. Warwick, eds. Chicago: Irwin
Professional Publishing, 1997, pp. 49-76. Also in the
International Library of Critical Writings in Financial
Economics: Futures Markets, Volume I, A.G. Malliaris, ed.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 1997, pp. 446-470
Irwin, S.H., and B.W. Brorsen.
"A Note On the Factors Affecting Technical Trading System
Hand book of Managed Futures: Performance, Evaluation, and
Analysis, C. Peters and B. Warwick, eds., Chicago: Irwin
Professional Publishing, 1997, pp. 481-485
Irwin, Scott H.
"Price Risk: A New Approach for a new Era."
1998 Agricultural Outlook Guide, p. 3. [Insert in Prairie
Koontz, S.R. and P. Garcia.
"Meatpacker Conduct In Fed cattle Pricing: Multi-market
Oligopsony Power"
The Journal of Agricultural and resource Economics.
22(1997,1): 87-103
Leuthold, R. M.
"random Walk and Price Trends: The Live cattle Futures
Futures Markets, Volume II. A.G. Malliaris, ed. Edward Elgar
Publishing, London, England, 1997, pp. 91-101
Manfredo, M.R. and R.M. Leuthold
"Agricultural applications of Value-at-risk Analysis: a
Proceedings of the NCR-134 Conference on Applied Commodity
Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management. 1998,
pp. 293-306
Park, H., H-L Chen, and E. Pierzak.
"Do Stock Index Futures Price Overreact Relative to Cash
Derivatives Quarterly. 4(1997, 2): 63-71
Pearson, N.
"Fixed Income Subtleties and the Pricing of Long Bonds"
Advanced Tools for the Fixed Income Professional. N.
Jegadeesh and B. Tuckman, eds., John Wiley & Sons,
forthcoming 1998.
Pearson, N., M. Barcley, and M. Weisbach.
"Open-End Mutual Funds and Captital Gains Taxes."
Journal of Finacial Economics. 49, No. 1, 1998.
Thompson, S., S. Irwin, and D. Good.
"Analysis of the Proposed Oredr of the Commodity Futures
trading Commission to Change and to Supplement Proposed Rules
Contracts in Corn and Soybeans"
Paper prepared for the Chicago Board of Trade, October 1997.
Thompson, S., S.T. Sonka, and D. Good.
"report on Implementation of Phase I of Stratso, a
Communications and Information System for the U.S. Soybean
Report to the United soybean Board, October 1997.
Thompson, S., S.T. Sonka.
"Potenial Effects of Information Technologies on the
Economic Performance of Agricultural and Food Market."
American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 79(1997):
Zulauf, C. R. and S. H. Irwin.
"Market Efficiency and Marketing to Enhance Income of Crop
Agricultural Economics. 20(1998): Forthcoming